
Food Gifting Safety Policy - Cover Image
Food Gifting Safety Policy

AHS Approved Guide to Not Giving Others the Runs

Early Entry FINAL List - Cover Image
Early Entry FINAL List

Are you on the list?!?

Moop Map 2023 - Cover Image
Moop Map 2023

Moop Map 2023

Save the Date 2023 - Cover Image
Save the Date 2023

November 8, 2022 · 1 min read
Got a Temple for 2022?
Got a Temple for 2022?

Do you have an idea for Temple, but maybe it's a smaller one than usual? This is the year for you!

Town Hall 2022 - Now Without Pants
Town Hall 2022 - Now Without Pants

You've been waiting for it... you've cleared your calendar for it... we present the social event of the Burning calendar... the 2022 Freezer Burn Town Hall!

Ticket Art Winner - Cover Image
Ticket Art Winner

We are pleased to roll out the 2022 online ticket sale, and showcase the talent of our community! The winner of this years ticket art contest was Jolan Magnan with a lovely fiery phoenix.

Team Leads Needed
Team Leads Needed

We have had an outpouring of interest in the open Team Lead positions. Thank you to everyone who joined this ride. This festival could not happen without you!

Online Ticket Sale coming!
Online Ticket Sale coming!

Mark your calendars, the online ticket sale will occur on March 11 at 7pm. We will be rolling out a new ticket vendor, and are excited to see how this one fares!

Limited Income Tickets now Open!
Limited Income Tickets now Open!

Limited Income Tickets application now open. We want to make Freezer Burn accessible to all participants, and part of that means ticket price should not be a barrier.

Ticket Art Contest now Open!
Ticket Art Contest now Open!

New theme means new ticket art! Get your submissions in for Freezer Burn 2022: Phoenix Rising ticket art from now until March 8. The winner will be displayed on the website, and on the ticket purchase

Art Grants now Open!
Art Grants now Open!

This just in from Art Grants!

Freezer Burn 2022 Theme Winner - Cover Image
Freezer Burn 2022 Theme Winner

Our Production committee is excited to announce the theme for the 2022 Freezer Burn event!